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Category: NAS

My home network upgrading version 2.0 – part I

It is almost 2 years since last my home network upgrading that I changed ASUS AC-88U hardware router to DIY All-In-One X86 software router with unRAID system for the internet connection. AC-88U is only running as WiFi access point.

So far, it is serving well for my Work-From-Home in this COVID-19 pandemic. But there are some concerns.

  • No separated the guest network. Guest is able to access LAN.
  • Network security concern as more IOT devices connected into home network.
  • Will affect internet connection, when doing any change with All-In-One server.
  • Consider to upgrade to WiFi6 with better wireless connection and VLAN setup
  • Upgrade to 2.5G wire LAN network connection with NAS and unRAID server.
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Unraid NAS服务器 🖥 DIY 折腾记— 软件篇

在上一篇主要是介绍 Unraid NAS服务器硬件, 接下是NAS服务器系统及应用软件的安装. 目前比较通用NAS服务器系统主要有ESXI, FreeNAS, OpenMediaVault 和Unraid. 他们各有千秋. 经过比较和考虑, 我最终选择了Unraid系统.

Unraid系统的安装其实很简单. 第一步从官网下载 Unraid USB Flash Creator来创建启动U盘. 具体操作按软件上提示就可以了.

接下来把创建好的启动U盘装到NAS服务器USB端口, 然后在BIOS时设置从U盘启动服务. 接通电源后, NAS服务器就会自动安装Unraid系统. 安装过程就不在这描述了. 可以在网上找到大把的教程和视频.


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